Sunday, October 16, 2011

Loch Ness to Thurso- 7th till 10th October

Loch Laggan
From Pitlochry we headed west along the edge of the Caringorms National Park, centred around Britain's highest and largest mountain range.  The scenery was spectacular.   Huge gently rounded mountains with the most incredible colours- golds, coppers, browns and oranges.  We then drove along side of Loch Laggan, stopping to look at the 700 feet long, 170 feet high Laggan Dam.

Sweet Jesus we are SO HAPPY!!!

Josh showing how he sometimes sticks out his lower jaw to catch rain when he is thirsty.
We turned north at Loch Lochy (definitely my favourite Loch name) and headed to our site in Invermoriston, right on the banks of Loch Ness.  We made the most of some rare sunny weather and sat outside reading and relaxing.  The evening was spent engaged in epic card battles and drinking many bottles of grape juice :)

Loch Lochy

We had lunch at this salubrious establishment on the banks of Loch Lochy.  The range was limited but strangely delicious.  Requests for vegetable matter or explanations of menu items were met with blank stares and single syllable answers. The entire menu is right there on the side of the van. An egg roll, if you are wondering, is a roll with an egg in it.

Loch Ness.  Not bad at all. 

Guy love.

Girl love.  Much better looking.

Great pics of the Loch thanks Helen!
The day after Loch Ness was...well, a bit frustrating.  We left the sunshine behind in Loch Ness and drove through the rain to Inverness, planning on an evening in the 'big city'.  Despite website information to the contrary, both campgrounds in the city were closed.  So we headed further north to a campground in Tain.  Whilst the website promised a "quiet, peaceful, family owned campground" the reality was a fairly dire, muddy trailer park filled with static caravans and workmen.  We quietly unhooked and drove on.  We hoped a visit to the Glenmorangie distillery might lift our spirits but this too was closed, so we drove on north to Dornoch and to the only available campground.  Yes it was a Holiday Park (cold shivers) and yes it was full of bingo playing adults and their running wild small children, but they did turn on the TV for us the following morning to watch the All Blacks playing Argentina.

Dornoch Beach.  Surprisingly nice.  Ta to Helen for being bothered to go down and take photos! 

From Dornoch we headed north, along the eastern coast of the Highlands.  The scenery was, again, spectacular.  This time the gorgeous mountains were paired with sheer cliffs and endless views of the ocean.  We travelled on to reach John O'Groats.

John O'Groats is famous for being 876 miles from Lands End, the greatest distance between two points on the British Mainland.  This appears to be it's only redeeming quality, in fact it's only quality at all!  So we didn't stay long, heading along the northern coast to Thurso.  We stayed overnight in Thurso in order to catch the ferry the following day to Orkney.

All of those english people were right- we are "a long way from home".

The headland at John O'Groats

Thurso waterfront.

Orkney Island here we come!

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