Monday, August 8, 2011

Turners Hill- 5th till 8th August

After 3 months in Europe we arrived back in the UK.  It was so strange to be able to understand what people were saying, strange but good!  I had to stop myself from saying Bonjour to everyone though and we did have to change our driving song.  The UK version is perhaps even more catchy than the European version and goes a little something like:

"Look to the right
Drive on the left
And then you won't get
Squashed to death...

.....won't get squashed tooooooo deathhhhhhhhhh"

Both version have now, by the way, an added final line.  Thanks Martin for this gem, which is to be accompanied by jazz hands:

"Unless it's a one way road......"

The best part about coming back to the UK though, is the chance to see family and friends.  We started with a weekend at my brothers David's place in Turners Hill, Crawley.  We had a fabulous weekend catching up with David, Justine and cute-as-a-button Hudson.  There was great wine, beautiful food and.....a chilli fiesta!
The Chilli Fiesta, held at the beautiful West Dean Gardens

David and Hudson

Justine and Morgan 


So cute!
On the Sunday we drove through the beautiful southern english countryside to a Chilli Fiesta being held north of Chichester.  It was awesome.  There were heaps of great stalls with an amazing variety of chilli products, all offering lots of samples.  We ended up with jerky, dried chilli's, curry mixes, chilli rubs, chilli jams, mango pickle and a few chilli sauces for good measure.  A lovely day out.

Now, onto London town!

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