Sunday, August 28, 2011

Coniston- 16th till 21st August

After leaving London we headed north to the Lake District, the perfect antidote after a rather hedonistic week.  We stayed at a site just out of Coniston, a lovely small village on the shores of Lake Coniston.  We had an absolutely fabulous week there, doing lots of walks through the gorgeous countryside.  It really was amazingly beautiful and picturesque, despite the underwhelming weather.  I know the English like to complain about the weather, and now I see why!  I have finally admitted defeat and packed away my summer dresses to make room for my winter coat L

Anyway, there’s not much to say about the Lake District that can’t be better illustrated by photo.

One of the walks we did was around the old copper mines above Coniston.

The Coniston steam boat

Walking along Lake Coniston

Tarn How

Morgan feeding the duckling horde 

Fish and chips in bed- oh yeah baby.  I couldn't help feeling though like someone was watching me...

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