Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 4 - March 7 TOKYO


As these photos show (hopefully) Tokyo is a wonderful city of contrasts - old and new, open spaces and very dense bustling streets. My impressions are that it is a collection of distinct neighbourhoods and areas, each with their own very distinct character.

It is easy and so much fun being a tourist here, there are so many people getting on with their day to day lives that you can sort of stand back and watch it all flow around you. Our favourite parts are always the side streets - and their shops, restaurants and bars.

In Tokyo we spent some time walking through the shopping neighbourhoods of Shibuya and Aoyama,  and on to the Meiji-Jingu shrine where we got to see a traditional Japanese wedding procession. The next day we caught a ferry to the Hamakaiyu Gardens, where the plums and canola were in bloom - very lovely. 

Strolling through Shibuya - one of the world's busiest intersections
But the main highlight is seeing Berin, Nic and (not so little anymore) Oscar - they are wonderful friends and we love travelling with them.   Oscar is an absolute delight and a source of constant amusement to us all!

Nic, Oscar and Morgan
Jane and Morgan in front of a Torii in Meiji-Jingu shrine parkland

Hamaikyu Gardens - contrast between old and new

Morgan, Berin and Jane in Hamaikyu Gardens

Inside the amazing convention centre - Ginzu

Street in Ginzu
Streets lined with gorgeous tulips
The Prada Building
Morgan and Berin in front of sake barrels - Meiji-Jingu Shrine

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