Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 14 - March 18 HIROSHIMA

....and back to Hiroshima.

By this point we realised how serious the situation with the nuclear reactors north of Tokyo was, and decided to change our travel plans. We changed our flights which were originally leaving from Tokyo, to leaving from Osaka, and consequently had to miss going to Abu Dhabi which is a real shame. We will catch up with our friends over there as soon as possible.

As most people who are reading this post know, we were in Brisbane for the floods, and we still there when Cyclone Yassi went through far north Queensland, we went back to New Zealand when the second quake hit Christchurch, and now we have been in Japan for the Earthquake, Tsunami and nuclear reactor crises.

Yes, it has taken the shine off the holiday - and it has been odd being a tourist in a country where all this is happening. I keep reminding myself that we are fine, so are all our friends and family, and that spending money in Japan and contributing to the economy is a good thing

We are immensely grateful to Nic and Berin for providing us with a refuge, and hopefully everything goes well for them. Our travel agent has been great too.

Next post from the UK - and a bit more upbeat I promise.

........and the motorhome awaits! Hmmmmmm, what to name it.......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for the blog!! Awesome!! If you are stuck for naming ideas I'm sure Morgan J could help. Spencer?????