Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lisbon - 4 January, 2012

Lisbon - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. We must go there.
I got offered drugs four times in 10 minutes crossing the main square in Lisbon.

Apart from that fact - (or maybe as well?) Lisbon is a lovely city for a visit. We were only in Lisbon for one day - but we managed to pack quite a lot in. We caught the train in from Cascais and walked along the waterfront (where we had lunch) to the main square at the bottom of town.
Most of Lisbon was destroyed in an earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 1755 - and the city centre was rebuilt following 'modern' urban design principles with a grid of streets and several squares. The main square facing onto the water is particularly impressive.

Note sleeping guy. As always.

The Elevador de Santa Justa. Over 100 years old and only a teeny bit rusty.
Views from the top - the cathedral is in the distance on the left.

The square where I got offered drugs by shifty dudes in suits. Dear drug dealers, if someone says 'no' to your offer of illicit substances, saying 'but they are really good' will not change their mind.

Looking up the hill towards the castle.

One of the statues where drug dealers lurk. Those pigeons keep an eye out for the cops.

We came across this on our way up to the castle - a great big suspended ball of steel wool.

I can see Jesus. No - I can, he is that statue on the far shore.

Outside the caste walls on the top of the hill.

The castle.

Look - the turret looks like a face with its hands up next to its head.

We also liked the Elevador de Santa Justa - which is a lift that connects the main area of town with a square on the northern part of the city. It was built in 1901, used to be steam powered (but has since been converted to run on electricity - boooooooo!) and the views are amazing.

The Castello on the top of the hill was also a lot of fun. It has the old remnants of the Moorish castle, but over the years it has became a quarter, or village, all of it's own. It was full of shops and restaurants, and is apparently where the best African restaurants are.

The view down from the ramparts.
So, a flying visit - but an eventful one!

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