Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Zealand- 10th till 25th November

In the Cause of Justice we spent two weeks back in New Zealand.  Giving evidence was as unpleasant and unsatisfying as last time so I was pleased with the verdict (guilty!) and hope this will be the last I ever hear of it.  While it was annoying to lose several weeks from our time in Europe, our trip home came with the silver lining of family, friends.......and ribs!

Basically, aside from the trial, we spent the whole time being reminded what amazing family and friends we have...and partaking in all of our food cravings (steamboat, ZapII, Satya....nom nom).  Here are a few photos- apologies to those who I got too lazy to take a photo of!
The lovlies- Belinda and Sarah

Hana and Shaun

Morgan and Tom

Morgan, Kerryn and bump

Jane, Poppy (hope the exams went well!) and Jane

Antoinette and Izzy


Mike (welcome home) and Martin

Leah and gorgeous baby Deacon- who, by the way, did a fabulous vomit on Morgan's leg!

Charlotte and Shane

Jack and Calum


Jane with Jasmine doing her best furry cushion impression. Jasmine is built for comfort, not for speed.

Cathy and Ingrid- at the Brown-Lambert christmas celebration.

Rowyn and Ella in action

Peter and Nana

Peter, Talia and Rowyn.



Ingrid and Hunter

Morgan and Barb

So after a brief but largely enjoyable sojourn home it's time to get back to our travels- Spain here we come!!

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