Friday, November 11, 2011

London- 4th till 8th November

Once again we came, we ate, we took next to no photos!  Prior to our flight home to NZ we took the chance to spend a few days in London.  We dropped the motorhome off for a bit of TLC and stayed in a hotel in South Kensington.  We spent a lovely few days catching up with friends and family.
Dinner at La Chapelle with Marnie and Sam

A superb degustation menu with matched wines at La Chapelle with the lovely Marnie and Sam got us off to a great start.  The highlight for me was probably the crab ravioli or the intense mushroom risotto, although the pigeon deserves a mention.  It was incredibly tender and actually quite delicious!

Inside the V and A museum - these are plaster casts of famous bits of sculpture. That is Hadrian's column (in two bits)

This was a wooden sculpture from the late 1700's and was owned by the Tipoo Sultan (for anyone who has read the Sharpe books). When the handle is turned the tiger growls, claws and bites the British soldier, who emits cries of anguish. 

A gorilla made out of wire coathangers.

We got to spend some time with my sister Sarah and my brother David, sister-in-law Justine and nephew Hudson.  It was also fabulous to catch up over a lovely, lazy (for us!) Sunday lunch with Amanda.  I have no photographic evidence of any of this!

Throw in a bit of shopping and some mooching around the V&A museum, and that's that!  Off to NZ we go!

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