Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Rhine- 20th - 25th May

People who actually read the words may notice that there is a gap in our blog, namely that this blog is being published before the blog on Koln (Cologne).  This is because one of us is super organised and efficient, and one of us isn't.  I'll leave it to you to guess who is who.....

After leaving Koln we headed toward the Rhine.  Our first stop was at Koblenz, a lovely town at the confluence of the Mosel and the Rhine.  Our intended campsite was right at this confluence but sadly was being redeveloped and was therefore closed.  We didn't spend long in Koblenz but did get to visit the Federal Horticulture Show (called "BUGA"!), which was held over the river, up on the hill and adjacent to fortress Ehrenbreitstein.

Cable car up to BUGA

Koblenz water front

Koblenz fort and exhibits at flower show

The confluence of the Mosel and the Rhine.  The green area just there would have been our campsite if it hadn't been under redevelopment :(

On the road.  Travelling down the Rhine.
The following day we drove down the western bank of the Rhine.  It's a very scenic drive with the beautiful river, lots of vines growing on steep banks and plenty of castles.  We stopped in the picturesque town of St Goar, where we visited Burg (Castle) Rheinfels.

Beer steins for sale in St Goar.  They are all cheesy-tastic. Note: world's largest beerstien on the left - 1750 Euro and holds 35 litres

St Goar- a very pretty little town

A few photos of Burg Rheinfels...

...and one of some handsome guy I ran into

Apparently Europe's largest free hanging cuckoo clock.  Strangely unimpressive.
On the ferry from St Goar to Goarshausen (St Goar across the river!)
Our campsite in Rudesheim

For the next four nights we stayed in a town called Rudesheim.  Our campsite was right alongside the Rhine and very handy to town.  The town itself is pretty touristy but has some lovely parts to it, and is surrounded by pretty vineyards.  We managed to find some great local wine bars to sample and purchase the locally made Riesling.  We also did a boat trip up the river to see some more castles and took a cable car up the hill to look at the Niederworld Monument. Food and wine were again highlights (!) and Morgan seemed particularly happy with the schnitzel sandwich!  

Here's a few photos from our boat trip up the river;
Burg Rheinstein 

The Mouse Tower


Burg Reinstein
A few of Burg Reichenstein;

View from Burg Reichenstein

Entrance to Burg Reichenstein
The whole castle interior was filled with these antlers- apparently it's a very romantic wedding venue.

Burg Ehrenfels

And a few from Rudesheim itself;

Church window in Rudesheim

Rudesheim town square

Wine bar fun
Those are balls of butter mixed up with bacon bits, rocket and tomato.  Need I say more!

Cable car above Rudesheim

Niederworld Monument.  Morgan made me stand like that for about half an hour I swear.

View from Niederworld Monument

From here we head away from the Rhine through the Riesling region of Germany and then down into the Alsace region of France.  Tune in next time for a tipsy update.

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